This stunning bouquet features soft, pastel hydrangeas in a blend of white and delicate pink tones. The round and full blooms create an elegant and airy display, perfect for any occasion. The soft, delicate petals of the hydrangeas contrast beautifully against the light pink wrapping, tied together with a matching pink ribbon, making this bouquet a graceful and soothing gift. Hydrangeas need plenty of water, so make sure to trim the stems and change the water every couple of days. To prevent wilting, keep the bouquet in a cool spot away from direct sunlight.
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Cloud Bouquet
- 2 people product added to their collections
hudrangea - 3 pcs
- Width - 30 cm
- Height - 60 cm
This stunning bouquet features soft, pastel hydrangeas in a blend of white and delicate pink tones. The round and full blooms create an elegant and airy display, perfect for any occasion. The soft, delicate petals of the hydrangeas contrast beautifully against the light pink wrapping, tied together with a matching pink ribbon, making this bouquet a graceful and soothing gift. Hydrangeas need plenty of water, so make sure to trim the stems and change the water every couple of days. To prevent wilting, keep the bouquet in a cool spot away from direct sunlight.
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