Elevate any event with our bouquet, a peaceful arrangement featuring the soft beauty of white alstroemeria and delicate chrysanthemums. Each flower has been carefully selected to create a serene and harmonious image that represents elegance and simplicity. Ideal for weddings, anniversaries or simply expressing your love, this bouquet is a heartfelt gesture that will bring calm and beauty to any space.
Artículo temporalmente sin existencias
Alstromeria and chrysanthemum bouquet
Alstroemeria - 4 ud. packing paper - 1 ud. ribbon satin - 1 ud. hrizantema - 3 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 45 cm
Elevate any event with our bouquet, a peaceful arrangement featuring the soft beauty of white alstroemeria and delicate chrysanthemums. Each flower has been carefully selected to create a serene and harmonious image that represents elegance and simplicity. Ideal for weddings, anniversaries or simply expressing your love, this bouquet is a heartfelt gesture that will bring calm and beauty to any space.
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Diciembre 2024
Diciembre 2024
Diciembre 2024
Diciembre 2024
Diciembre 2024
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