Capturing the dance of colors, this bouquet of purple and yellow roses will enliven any environment with its positive energy. The elegance of purple and the joy of yellow come together to create a mesmerizing contrast. With its elegant purple packaging and stylish white ribbon, it is the perfect gift alternative to send to your loved ones. Each rose is carefully selected and kept fresh, ready to express your feelings in the most beautiful way.
Artículo temporalmente sin existencias
Dark Berry Bouquet
- 1 persona añadido artículo a tu lista
cream spray rose - 6 ud. chrysanthemum spray - 5 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
Capturing the dance of colors, this bouquet of purple and yellow roses will enliven any environment with its positive energy. The elegance of purple and the joy of yellow come together to create a mesmerizing contrast. With its elegant purple packaging and stylish white ribbon, it is the perfect gift alternative to send to your loved ones. Each rose is carefully selected and kept fresh, ready to express your feelings in the most beautiful way.
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