This marvelous bouquet feels like an invitation to a spring garden, where the interplay of light and shadow creates a soft peachy aura. Peony roses, resembling blooming buds, exude delicacy and freshness, while forsythia branches enliven the composition with their vibrant green leaves and graceful flowers. Orchids add a touch of mystery and refinement, while dianthuses contribute a hint of fragrance and complement the pastel palette of this enchanting spring bouquet.
Artículo temporalmente sin existencias
Mix whith peonies roses and orchid
Peony rose - 4 ud. Eucalyptus - 1 ud. Spray rose - 2 ud. Anthurium - 2 ud. Orchid - 1 ud. dianthus - 5 ud. forsythia - 1 ud. paking - 1 ud. hudrangea - 1 ud.
- Anchura - 40 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
This marvelous bouquet feels like an invitation to a spring garden, where the interplay of light and shadow creates a soft peachy aura. Peony roses, resembling blooming buds, exude delicacy and freshness, while forsythia branches enliven the composition with their vibrant green leaves and graceful flowers. Orchids add a touch of mystery and refinement, while dianthuses contribute a hint of fragrance and complement the pastel palette of this enchanting spring bouquet.
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Noviembre 2024
Octubre 2024
Octubre 2024
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Septiembre 2024
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