This designer bouquet will be the perfect gift, reflecting tenderness and sophistication. It features two lush pink peony-like roses, adorned with seven small peony-like roses, creating a unique palette of shades. Clusters of hydrangeas contrast with five vibrant dahlias and five delicate eustomas (Lisianthus), adding depth and texture to the bouquet. Three exotic anthuriums and five various spray roses emphasize the originality and harmony of the composition, making it truly unique.
Artículo temporalmente sin existencias
Mix with hydrangea and roses
- 2 personas han añadido el producto a sus listas
Hydrangea - 1 ud. Anthurium - 3 ud. Lisianthus - 5 ud. dahlia - 5 ud. roses spray - 2 ud. roses spray mix - 3 ud. roses pink peony - 2 ud. roses peony - 7 ud.
- Anchura - 55 cm
- Altura - 60 cm
This designer bouquet will be the perfect gift, reflecting tenderness and sophistication. It features two lush pink peony-like roses, adorned with seven small peony-like roses, creating a unique palette of shades. Clusters of hydrangeas contrast with five vibrant dahlias and five delicate eustomas (Lisianthus), adding depth and texture to the bouquet. Three exotic anthuriums and five various spray roses emphasize the originality and harmony of the composition, making it truly unique.
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Noviembre 2024
Octubre 2024
Octubre 2024
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Septiembre 2024
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