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  • 20 cm
  • 20 cm

Product Details This beautiful terrarium we designed with a small egg in a glass bell jar; It was completed with white sand, dried plants, frozen moss, artificial roses, a pink wooden house image and an object symbolizing lovers sharing back-to-back moments. It is a special terrarium that can be enjoyed in any environment for years to come. Approximate Dimensions: 18x22cm NOTE: Since the glass used in terrariums is produced by blown glass craftsmanship, differences may be observed in some details. For example, the egg shape and mouth endpoints are each unique.

Guía de cuidados

It is important that the terrarium, which can be displayed in all home and office environments, contains dried and frozen plants and that it is ventilated. The open part should not be closed or buffets etc. It should not be placed in closed areas.

Purple Love Terrarium

8 Valoraciones del artículo
  • para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
  • Consigue 180 bonos

Frecuencia de riego

1 veces en mes


  • Anchura - 20 cm
  • Altura - 20 cm

Product Details This beautiful terrarium we designed with a small egg in a glass bell jar; It was completed with white sand, dried plants, frozen moss, artificial roses, a pink wooden house image and an object symbolizing lovers sharing back-to-back moments. It is a special terrarium that can be enjoyed in any environment for years to come. Approximate Dimensions: 18x22cm NOTE: Since the glass used in terrariums is produced by blown glass craftsmanship, differences may be observed in some details. For example, the egg shape and mouth endpoints are each unique.

Guía de cuidados

It is important that the terrarium, which can be displayed in all home and office environments, contains dried and frozen plants and that it is ventilated. The open part should not be closed or buffets etc. It should not be placed in closed areas.

Acepta bonos


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Valoraciones y opinión


Septiembre 2024

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5

Very accurate and high service. Thank you very much!

Burak Sener

Julio 2024

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    3 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5

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