Designed to make a loving gesture, this elegant bouquet conquers hearts with its mix of roses and orchids. Roses in soft shades of pink, white and purple blend perfectly with delicate orchid flowers. The natural green leaves in the center of the bouquet add a fresh air, creating an atmosphere that will enhance every moment. This bouquet is a colorful and enchanting reflection of nature that you can present as a special gift to your lover, friend or anyone you care about. Wrapped in elegant pink paper and decorated with a delicate ribbon, this special gift expresses love in the most elegant way. Store the bouquet in a cool place away from direct sunlight. By changing the water at regular intervals, you can prolong the life of the flowers.
Bu ürün geçici olarak stokta yok
Be My Valentine Bouquet
- 2 kişi ürünü koleksiyonlarına ekledi
Eucalyptus - 1 adet Hydrangea - 3 adet Pink rose - 3 adet pink spray rose - 4 adet
- Genişlik - 30 cm
- Yükseklik - 40 cm
Designed to make a loving gesture, this elegant bouquet conquers hearts with its mix of roses and orchids. Roses in soft shades of pink, white and purple blend perfectly with delicate orchid flowers. The natural green leaves in the center of the bouquet add a fresh air, creating an atmosphere that will enhance every moment. This bouquet is a colorful and enchanting reflection of nature that you can present as a special gift to your lover, friend or anyone you care about. Wrapped in elegant pink paper and decorated with a delicate ribbon, this special gift expresses love in the most elegant way. Store the bouquet in a cool place away from direct sunlight. By changing the water at regular intervals, you can prolong the life of the flowers.
520 değerlendirme • 345 sipariş
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