This delicate bouquet in shades of lilac and pink is like a mysterious work of art. Hydrangeas and lilac orchids lend it refinement and grace, as if touching a fairytale world. Peony roses add luxury and elegance, blooming in soft shades of pink. Noble dianthuses complement this composition with their unique fragrance, creating an atmosphere of pure romance and admiration.
Bu ürün geçici olarak stokta yok
Mix with hydrangea and orchids
Eucalyptus - 1 adet Spray rose - 7 adet Orchid - 1 adet dianthus - 10 adet rose peony - 3 adet paking - 1 adet hudrangea - 1 adet
- Genişlik - 45 cm
- Yükseklik - 40 cm
This delicate bouquet in shades of lilac and pink is like a mysterious work of art. Hydrangeas and lilac orchids lend it refinement and grace, as if touching a fairytale world. Peony roses add luxury and elegance, blooming in soft shades of pink. Noble dianthuses complement this composition with their unique fragrance, creating an atmosphere of pure romance and admiration.
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