Enveloped with sumptuous ribbon, this Mono Bouquet features an organic blend of fresh Eucalyptus leaves paired with a quartet of stunning pink roses. The bouquet is beautifully nestled in the bouquet paper, ensuring its allure and freshness are maintained. With fifteen perfectly bloomed roses, the allure of their elegant simplicity makes it a perfect gift for your special one. Experience the enticing aroma and enchanting charm of this bouquet, that encapsulates a symphony of natures beauty at its finest.
Bu ürün geçici olarak stokta yok
Pink Rose Bouquet
- 1 kişi ürünü koleksiyonlarına ekledi
Ribbon - 1 adet Eucalyptus - 4 adet bouquet paper - 1 adet pink roses - 15 adet
- Genişlik - 35 cm
- Yükseklik - 45 cm
Royal flowers, Türkiye
Üretim ülkesi
Enveloped with sumptuous ribbon, this Mono Bouquet features an organic blend of fresh Eucalyptus leaves paired with a quartet of stunning pink roses. The bouquet is beautifully nestled in the bouquet paper, ensuring its allure and freshness are maintained. With fifteen perfectly bloomed roses, the allure of their elegant simplicity makes it a perfect gift for your special one. Experience the enticing aroma and enchanting charm of this bouquet, that encapsulates a symphony of natures beauty at its finest.
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Aralık 2024
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