Designed to express your love in the most elegant way, this bouquet of 5 pink roses will be the centerpiece of any gift for someone special. Surrounding the beautiful pink roses, green eucalyptus branches add an elegant touch and make the bouquet even more eye-catching. The bouquet is in soft pink tones and tied with a red ribbon, making it the epitome of elegance. Both romantic and sophisticated, this bouquet is the sweetest way to express your feelings for your loved ones.
Bu ürün geçici olarak stokta yok
Pink Special Bouquet
- 13 kişi ürünü koleksiyonlarına ekledi
eucalyptus leaves - 1 adet pink roses - 5 adet
- Genişlik - 25 cm
- Yükseklik - 50 cm
Designed to express your love in the most elegant way, this bouquet of 5 pink roses will be the centerpiece of any gift for someone special. Surrounding the beautiful pink roses, green eucalyptus branches add an elegant touch and make the bouquet even more eye-catching. The bouquet is in soft pink tones and tied with a red ribbon, making it the epitome of elegance. Both romantic and sophisticated, this bouquet is the sweetest way to express your feelings for your loved ones.
524 değerlendirme • 347 sipariş
Değerlendirme ve yorumlar
Mayıs 2024

Nisan 2024

Mart 2024

Absolutely thrilled with the service provided by this shop! The flowers were incredibly fresh and stunning beautiful, exactly as described. The communication was superb. Delivery was prompt. Highly recommend!
Mart 2024

Şubat 2024
Все было быстро и качественно, удивило, то что со мной общались на русском языке. Умнички.

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