This fiery red bouquet is the embodiment of passion and elegance. At the center is the majestic burgundy chrysanthemum, drawing the eye with its deep, rich hue. It is surrounded by the delicate mint rose, creating a contrast with its freshness and refinement. Gerbera daisies add brightness and joy, while the protea, with its exotic texture, gives the bouquet a unique expression. The composition is completed with branches of ilex and its vibrant red berries, symbolizing energy and dynamism. This bouquet is perfect for those who appreciate bold yet refined floral accents.
Bu ürün geçici olarak stokta yok
Red mix
Chrysanthemum - 6 adet Gerbera - 5 adet asparagus - 3 adet ilex - 2 adet protea - 1 adet narine - 5 adet roses - 5 adet
- Genişlik - 40 cm
- Yükseklik - 40 cm
This fiery red bouquet is the embodiment of passion and elegance. At the center is the majestic burgundy chrysanthemum, drawing the eye with its deep, rich hue. It is surrounded by the delicate mint rose, creating a contrast with its freshness and refinement. Gerbera daisies add brightness and joy, while the protea, with its exotic texture, gives the bouquet a unique expression. The composition is completed with branches of ilex and its vibrant red berries, symbolizing energy and dynamism. This bouquet is perfect for those who appreciate bold yet refined floral accents.
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