Revel in the timeless elegance of this exquisite Mono Bouquet, composed of 25 luxuriant Burgundy Equador Roses. The dramatic blooms are elegantly balanced by the soothing charm of 5 pieces of Eucalyptus, lending a subtle hint of freshness. Each bouquet comes beautifully wrapped in quality Bouquet Paper, tastefully bound with a stunning Ribbon, bringing a sophisticated finishing touch. Perfect for romantic gifting, this bouquet exudes an undeniable allure thats hard to resist.
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Burgundy Rose Bouquet
Ribbon - 1 pce Eucalyptus - 5 pce bouquet paper - 1 pce burgundy equador roses - 25 pce
- Largeur - 45 cm
- Hauteur - 55 cm
Revel in the timeless elegance of this exquisite Mono Bouquet, composed of 25 luxuriant Burgundy Equador Roses. The dramatic blooms are elegantly balanced by the soothing charm of 5 pieces of Eucalyptus, lending a subtle hint of freshness. Each bouquet comes beautifully wrapped in quality Bouquet Paper, tastefully bound with a stunning Ribbon, bringing a sophisticated finishing touch. Perfect for romantic gifting, this bouquet exudes an undeniable allure thats hard to resist.
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