Presenting our elegant Mono Bouquet meticulously designed with 14 lush Red Roses, tastefully accented by 4 pieces of fresh Eucalyptus. The floral arrangement is impeccably tied together with an exquisite ribbon and beautifully wrapped in our exclusive Bouquet Paper. This Mono Bouquet serves as a perfect gift to express your love, gratitude, or heartfelt emotions.
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Red Rose Bouquet
Ribbon - 1 pce Eucalyptus - 4 pce bouquet paper - 1 pce red roses - 14 pce
- Largeur - 35 cm
- Hauteur - 45 cm
Presenting our elegant Mono Bouquet meticulously designed with 14 lush Red Roses, tastefully accented by 4 pieces of fresh Eucalyptus. The floral arrangement is impeccably tied together with an exquisite ribbon and beautifully wrapped in our exclusive Bouquet Paper. This Mono Bouquet serves as a perfect gift to express your love, gratitude, or heartfelt emotions.
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