This bouquet of delicate and elegant white roses will make any special occasion unforgettable. The white color of roses is a symbol of innocence and love. The bouquet offers an eye-catching look with its elegant green packaging and white ribbon. With its elegance and refinement, it is a perfect choice as a gift. This bouquet of white roses is ideal for crowning the most precious moments and expressing your feelings for your loved ones in the most meaningful way.
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White Romance Bouquet (premium)
- 5 personnes ont ajouté le produit dans leurs sélections
White rose - 9 pce
- Largeur - 35 cm
- Hauteur - 55 cm
This bouquet of delicate and elegant white roses will make any special occasion unforgettable. The white color of roses is a symbol of innocence and love. The bouquet offers an eye-catching look with its elegant green packaging and white ribbon. With its elegance and refinement, it is a perfect choice as a gift. This bouquet of white roses is ideal for crowning the most precious moments and expressing your feelings for your loved ones in the most meaningful way.
524 notes • 347 achats
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Mars 2024

Cette semaine
Я всем доволен и всем советую! Для заказов из России и стран СНГ тоже очень удобно, так как персонал в магазине русскоязычный. 10/10 👍
Février 2025
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