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Discover the epitome of elegance and grace with this Mono Bouquet. Thoughtfully arranged, it includes 13 radiant yellow roses, subtly complimented by a flute of velvety eucalyptus featuring eight branches. The overall ensemble is delicately wrapped in quality bouquet paper and finished with a grand flourish - a stylish ribbon. Its not just a bouquet, its a statement. Perfect for any occasion to make your loved ones feel special.
Yellow Rose Bouquet
- , et nous connaîtrons les frais de livraison
- 3 personnes ont ajouté le produit dans leurs sélections
- Recevez 105 Bonus
Ribbon - 1 pce Eucalyptus - 8 pce bouquet paper - 1 pce yellow roses - 13 pce
- Largeur - 40 cm
- Hauteur - 55 cm
Discover the epitome of elegance and grace with this Mono Bouquet. Thoughtfully arranged, it includes 13 radiant yellow roses, subtly complimented by a flute of velvety eucalyptus featuring eight branches. The overall ensemble is delicately wrapped in quality bouquet paper and finished with a grand flourish - a stylish ribbon. Its not just a bouquet, its a statement. Perfect for any occasion to make your loved ones feel special.
Notes et commentaires
Mars 2025

Novembre 2024
Octobre 2024
Anastasiya Davidenko
Octobre 2024
Great fresh flowers. Would highly recommend
Août 2024
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