Erre a termékre már más is rákeresett
Immerse yourself in a symphony of royal elegance with this mesmerising bouquet. The composition of passionate 50 red roses intertwined with 51 serene white roses create a captivating contrast and a gentle visual harmony. Each piece is delicately bundled with 2 elegant ribbons, giving the bouquet an exquisite final touch. This bouquet speaks a thousand words, a perfect gift to express your boundless love, heartfelt gratitude or sincere apologies. Let the blooms do the talking.
A rendelkezésre állás megerősítve ma
101 red and white roses
- és kiderítjük a szállítási költségeket
- 1 Ember hozzáadott termék a választékához
- Ön kapni fog 297 Bónusz
Red rose - 50 db. Ribbon - 2 db. White rose - 51 db.
- Szélesség - 55 cm
- Magasság - 50 cm
Immerse yourself in a symphony of royal elegance with this mesmerising bouquet. The composition of passionate 50 red roses intertwined with 51 serene white roses create a captivating contrast and a gentle visual harmony. Each piece is delicately bundled with 2 elegant ribbons, giving the bouquet an exquisite final touch. This bouquet speaks a thousand words, a perfect gift to express your boundless love, heartfelt gratitude or sincere apologies. Let the blooms do the talking.
Értékelések és visszajelzés
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
December 2024
November 2024
The shop should’ve made a photo of the bouquet, but haven’t. Also the courier should’ve call me on the arrival, but didn’t. Only hotel host helped me to receive the bouquet
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