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  • 55 см
  • 50 см

Immerse yourself in a symphony of royal elegance with this mesmerising bouquet. The composition of passionate 50 red roses intertwined with 51 serene white roses create a captivating contrast and a gentle visual harmony. Each piece is delicately bundled with 2 elegant ribbons, giving the bouquet an exquisite final touch. This bouquet speaks a thousand words, a perfect gift to express your boundless love, heartfelt gratitude or sincere apologies. Let the blooms do the talking.

101 red and white roses

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  • Получите 267 бонусов


Red rose - 50 шт. Ribbon - 2 шт. White rose - 51 шт.


  • Ширина - 55 см
  • Высота - 50 см

Immerse yourself in a symphony of royal elegance with this mesmerising bouquet. The composition of passionate 50 red roses intertwined with 51 serene white roses create a captivating contrast and a gentle visual harmony. Each piece is delicately bundled with 2 elegant ribbons, giving the bouquet an exquisite final touch. This bouquet speaks a thousand words, a perfect gift to express your boundless love, heartfelt gratitude or sincere apologies. Let the blooms do the talking.

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Kvitocentr Istanbul

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Август 2024

  • Сервис

    5 /5

  • Цена/Качество

    5 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Соответствие

    5 /5

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