С этим товаром искали
Experience the joy of gifting with our Florists Special bouquet, carefully crafted with 25 passionately radiant roses, playfully complemented by 25 pieces of the alluring Cypso. Designed for occasions that deserve nothing but the best, this bouquet is sure to captivate with its vibrant charm.
Наличие подтверждено 60 мин назад
25 rose gul buketi
- , и мы узнаем стоимость доставки
- 2 человека добавили товар в свои подборки
- Получите 113 бонусов
red roses - 25 шт. cypso - 5 шт.
- Ширина - 60 см
- Высота - 70 см
Experience the joy of gifting with our Florists Special bouquet, carefully crafted with 25 passionately radiant roses, playfully complemented by 25 pieces of the alluring Cypso. Designed for occasions that deserve nothing but the best, this bouquet is sure to captivate with its vibrant charm.
Оценки и отзывы
Июль 2024

На этой неделе
Март 2025
Март 2025
Февраль 2025
My partner bought me these roses for my birthday, and they were beautiful. Great communication from the seller and they arrived as we had agreed, on time.
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