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  • 60 см
  • 70 см

Experience the simplicity and elegance of our Mono Bouquet, meticulously curated just for you. Comprising of 51 stunning Mondial roses, all tied together beautifully with a single piece of finespun ribbon, this handcrafted arrangement radiates an aura of sophistication and charm, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. Charge your moments with a luxurious touch of natures beauty.

51 white roses

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  • Получите 237 бонусов


Ribbon - 1 шт. Mondial - 51 шт.


  • Ширина - 60 см
  • Высота - 70 см

Experience the simplicity and elegance of our Mono Bouquet, meticulously curated just for you. Comprising of 51 stunning Mondial roses, all tied together beautifully with a single piece of finespun ribbon, this handcrafted arrangement radiates an aura of sophistication and charm, making it the perfect gift for any occasion. Charge your moments with a luxurious touch of natures beauty.

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Kvitocentr Istanbul

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Август 2024

  • Сервис

    5 /5

  • Цена/Качество

    5 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Соответствие

    5 /5

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