С этим товаром искали
A round box in shades of pink adorned with an elegant orchid and fragrant roses. The orchid adds sophistication and elegance to the composition with its long stems and graceful flowers, while the roses contribute tenderness and romance with their unique fragrance and beauty. This box is a wonderful gift for special occasions, combining beauty and sophistication.
Box roses and orchid
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Eucalyptus - 3 шт. Lisianthus - 10 шт. Orchid - 5 шт. dianthus - 10 шт. antirrinum - 3 шт. roses white - 3 шт. roses spray - 5 шт. roses pink - 5 шт. roses bombastik - 3 шт. box more flowers - 1 шт.
- Ширина - 43 см
- Высота - 48 см
A round box in shades of pink adorned with an elegant orchid and fragrant roses. The orchid adds sophistication and elegance to the composition with its long stems and graceful flowers, while the roses contribute tenderness and romance with their unique fragrance and beauty. This box is a wonderful gift for special occasions, combining beauty and sophistication.
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Август 2024
Март 2025
Ноябрь 2024
Октябрь 2024
Октябрь 2024
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