• 3 см
  • 50 см

Embrace the elegance with this exquisite Florists Special. A magnificent clustering of 12 tender Eustomas lavished amidst 5 carnations subtle charm, framed with 2 ethereal Gortenzias. Mercifully punctuated by 2 strands of Eucalyptus, this potpourri captures serenity elegantly and lavishly. Without a doubt, a tribute to natures handiwork and could be a perfect gift or addition to your living space.

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Eustoma - 12 шт. Eucalyptus - 2 шт. carnation - 5 шт. gortenzia - 2 шт.


  • Ширина - 3 см
  • Высота - 50 см


Цветник, Турция

Страна производства


Embrace the elegance with this exquisite Florists Special. A magnificent clustering of 12 tender Eustomas lavished amidst 5 carnations subtle charm, framed with 2 ethereal Gortenzias. Mercifully punctuated by 2 strands of Eucalyptus, this potpourri captures serenity elegantly and lavishly. Without a doubt, a tribute to natures handiwork and could be a perfect gift or addition to your living space.

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Flower Garden

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