• 35 см
  • 55 см

Immerse yourself in the charm of our mono bouquet, elegantly put together with 11 enchanting red roses. Interwoven delicately with 5 pieces of eucalyptus, the bouquet resonates with freshness and vitality. It comes meticulously wrapped in a chic bouquet paper and is finely finished off with a single piece of ribbon, giving it the perfect touch of luxury. An exquisite choice for all occasions, our monochromatic bouquet, through its rich red roses, speaks volumes of love, passion, and respect. Enjoy the elegant simplicity and timeless appeal for your home, office, or as a heartfelt handpicked gift.

Red Rose Bouquet

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Ribbon - 1 шт. Eucalyptus - 5 шт. bouquet paper - 1 шт. red roses - 11 шт.


  • Ширина - 35 см
  • Высота - 55 см

Immerse yourself in the charm of our mono bouquet, elegantly put together with 11 enchanting red roses. Interwoven delicately with 5 pieces of eucalyptus, the bouquet resonates with freshness and vitality. It comes meticulously wrapped in a chic bouquet paper and is finely finished off with a single piece of ribbon, giving it the perfect touch of luxury. An exquisite choice for all occasions, our monochromatic bouquet, through its rich red roses, speaks volumes of love, passion, and respect. Enjoy the elegant simplicity and timeless appeal for your home, office, or as a heartfelt handpicked gift.

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Royal Flowers

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