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  • 40 см
  • 50 см

Presenting a delicately put together Flowers in a Box assortment that exudes elegance and charm. This selection features 15 pristine white roses, beautifully complemented with 2 lush white hydrangeas, all meticulously arranged in a box. Enhancing the ensemble is a chic ribbon elegantly entwined, making the package not just a product, but a memorable gift with a touch of personal charisma. Treasure or gift this box of blossoming love, as its sure to impress at first sight!

Flowers in a box

4 оцінки про товар
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  • Отримаєте 105 бонусів


Ribbon - 1 шт. White rose - 15 шт. hudrangea white - 2 шт.


  • Ширина - 40 см
  • Висота - 50 см

Presenting a delicately put together Flowers in a Box assortment that exudes elegance and charm. This selection features 15 pristine white roses, beautifully complemented with 2 lush white hydrangeas, all meticulously arranged in a box. Enhancing the ensemble is a chic ribbon elegantly entwined, making the package not just a product, but a memorable gift with a touch of personal charisma. Treasure or gift this box of blossoming love, as its sure to impress at first sight!

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Kvitocentr Istanbul

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5 з 5 рейтинг товарів

Оцінки і відгуки


Серпень 2024

  • Сервіс

    5 /5

  • Ціна/Якість

    5 /5

  • Доставка

    5 /5

  • Відповідність

    5 /5

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