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  • 9 см
  • 15 см

It was designed with inspiration from J. R. R. Tolkiens Rings of Power, known for his fantasy fiction works. Rings of Power were forged by elves, the first ring of power was made in 1500, and in the centuries that followed, 16 rings of power were forged. Each ring had its own precious stone. The one ring is famous for its ability to control all other rings.

Рекомендації по догляду

About Care: Orchids are plants that store water in their roots. Therefore, spraying water twice a week or keeping the roots under water is sufficient. Also, orchids love light and night breeze. Keeping it in front of an open window, especially at night, in summer increases the flowering rate. When the flowers have completely fallen off, it is sufficient to keep them in a cool environment until the next flowering period.

Товар тимчасово відсутній

Lord of the Rings Terrarium with Orchid

8 оцінок про товар
  • 1 осіб додав товар у свої добірки

Періодичність поливу

1 раз на міс.


  • Ширина - 9 см
  • Висота - 15 см

It was designed with inspiration from J. R. R. Tolkiens Rings of Power, known for his fantasy fiction works. Rings of Power were forged by elves, the first ring of power was made in 1500, and in the centuries that followed, 16 rings of power were forged. Each ring had its own precious stone. The one ring is famous for its ability to control all other rings.

Рекомендації по догляду

About Care: Orchids are plants that store water in their roots. Therefore, spraying water twice a week or keeping the roots under water is sufficient. Also, orchids love light and night breeze. Keeping it in front of an open window, especially at night, in summer increases the flowering rate. When the flowers have completely fallen off, it is sufficient to keep them in a cool environment until the next flowering period.

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Вересень 2024

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    5 /5

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    5 /5

Very accurate and high service. Thank you very much!

Burak Sener

Липень 2024

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    5 /5

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    5 /5

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    3 /5

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    5 /5

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